The past 4 days have been exactly what I needed. I saw a lot of friends, saw Mum and Don, spend a lot of lovely time with Tom and was very creative.
I had a couple of off moments and spent most of Monday morning in a foul mood but Tom was very lovely and just patiently waited for me to get out of my bad mood.
We ate a lot of good food and I realised that's one thing that I really struggle with working full time, finding the time to make good food. I love having the time to prepare a breakfast of smoked salmon, edam cheese, vine ripened tomatoes and a pot of coffee and eat it slowly. I hate having to scoff down a piece of toast while I straighten my hair and make sure I have my work pass in my handbag.
I spent some time on Sarah's painting. I really enjoy painting people. I was working on the skin tone and spent hours Saturday night trying to get the right shades. Her legs aren't quite the right shade but the shadowing is quite good and I'm proud of how natural her legs are looking. This stuff is hard I promise!
I'm not looking forward to going back to work but I am looking forward to working for Laura again and getting into work that I actually find interesting and challenging. I think this is going to be a really good period at work.
Happy Easter!