I spent Sunday at the Suitcase Rummage sale again with Trudes in Brisbane. It was her last one before she heads off overseas to travel and live for a while so she had lots of clothing and books and things to get rid of. It was a big market this time in terms of stallholders but we were able to grab a good spot on one of the benches which we think is better than down on the ground...it seems to make it easier for people to go through everything and is a little bit more inviting when they don't have to be bending down to ground level. Trudy sold at least half of what she took so that was excellent...it was another interesting market day with all the shopping crowd...I love it as the fashions are so out there...not really fashions as such more peoples' individuality coming out which I enjoy a lot more.
Monday I travelled home by train which I also love...the Sunshine Coast part of the trip is through the bush and past pineapple farms and some of the Glasshouse Mountains - gorgeous. Don picked me up and we headed home for a while before I took off again to Yandina, about 20 minutes north by car. I was meeting Leonie and Sandra for lunch at Fairhill Nursery, out in the country at the end of a little winding road.
The nursery itself is huge and full of birds singing in the trees. I was early so chatted to the nursery man about what a beautiful place it was to work in and he told me that the birds come down each afternoon and swim and wash in the big bird bath out in the centre of the nursery. They will build their nests in some of the bigger plants necessitating signs to let customers know that for a while those plants are not for sale.
After lunch we walked through the gardens and around the dam to sit on a bench and lie in the sun for an hour or so. Lots of talking happened of course and laughter too.
Sandra hates having her photo taken so the formal photo of the 3 of us has her with eyes closed...but I was able to snap a couple of cute pics of her later. Leonie thinks photos are overrated so just ignored me I think...at least she smiled for the camera...
My life is still pretty good.
I like all your photos!