So I had fun carrying this little journal around Melbourne...writing a bit here and there...I have yet to print out some photos to add so I have some blank pages left for those...

Throughout my original book I used old photocopied pics from my family's travels as backgrounds...

...the angelhead carving above is a photo I took years ago on the outskirts of Melbourne...

and this girl above is from a vintage postcard...she is actually standing in an Iowa cornfield originally...I really liked the way she is looking out into the distance and so wanted her in here...

The black and white pic above right is of my mum walking along the cliffs in Tasmania when she was about 17..she is all rugged up with a walking stick cut from a tree...and then the photo up in the lefthand corner is of Florence taken by my dad on our travels when I was a teenager...nothing to do with Melbourne but of course to do with travelling...and the map of Australia on the golf ball is about the PGA President's Cup which is why we were in Melbourne.
I really love this! I wish I had a printer so I could print some things, will have to go to a shop. The journal looks great!