34oC is our expected top temp today...I don't really mind it as long as I'm not out in the sun...I don't like air-conditioning but it really does get too hot inside without it...I have been out cleaning out the garage this morning and sorting a box of art materials...(read: junk..)..tipped out the spiders and saved what I really think I will use..(although probably won't) and the rest went into the garbage. It also seems to be the day to go through my clothing and toss out all the things which just hang around waiting for me to get a bit slimmer or taller..?? It feels good to sort out occasionally...for some reason going back to Canada has been on my mind even though it is 3 months away...maybe as it is a new year I'm thinking about it more. I have the feeling that I need to finish off any works in progress in my art, and not think about buying any more vintage books or paper etc to use...as it will all need to be stored anyway..Having said that, Laura asked me if I would like 2 bags of small canvasses and I had to say Yes! I have been selling some work out at Rosebed Street Gallery and they asked me again to take some out there yesterday so hopefully that will continue until I leave.
My goals this year are to speak up for myself more...so watch out...and to get fitter...I'm sore from the gym but will head back there this afternoon...I went on a 4km walk on Sunday with a group of friends which was fun but too hot..we started late in the morning...However I feel really good for having done it.
I am also feeling pretty grateful for my life at the moment as my close friend goes through a lot of pain and suffering with her cancer treatment...and I'm very grateful for my gorgeous kids and my friends...I know some people who don't have any contact with their children at all...
I like all this. I need to get fit this year too! All this cancer getting around is making me grateful too, stay healthy and fit for me! xxx